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DFRWS 2009 - Montreal

Our group in the Centre for Cybercrime Investigation gave a presentation at the Digital Forensic Workshop 2009. The submitted paper can be found here. Also a...

OCFA patch level 1 released - new modules!

http://ocfa.sourceforge.netThe ocfa team is proud to announce the first patch-level release of OCFA Version 2.2.0. This patch level was necessary to fix some...

Something’s missing…

The other day I was looking around, and found It is a site dedicated to finding missing and exploited children in the US. They also have a s...

PostgreSql Problems on Debian

In Debian 5 when installing PostgreSQL - if /var/singlegresql/8.3/main is not created, and the conf files are not available - use the following command:pg_cr...

Even more Random links: psql

PSQL on Mac psql remote access over tcp/ip