less than 1 minute read

CybercrimeTech started as a dfir notes blog during my Masters at University College Dublin. I wasn’t sure what it would turn into, and thought the name was general. Almost 11 years later, that is no longer the case.

Cybercrime Technologies now seems to imply hacking tools and, based on the questions I get, hacking facebook accounts. Another problem is .com. Many people have asked if CT is a company. It’s not. Professional contacts increasingly ask, and that also causes confusion or conflict.

After considering for a long time, I’ve decided to make the domain more representative of the things I post. That’s why I am moving to https://dfir.science. I hope it is more memorable and relevant. I will keep posting practical instructions and tutorials, but also hope to post more academic work as well.

I’ve already been slowly moving social media accounts over to DFIR.Science, and am working on moving the blog, fixing links and updating content. Once finished, all cybercrimetech links should automatically redirect to the correct DFIR.Science page (indefinitely).

Thanks everyone who reads this blog. I hope this change lets me focus on making better, more relevant information for DFIR investigators and researchers.