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A pretty busy day preparing for the World Forensic Festival next week. If you are going, please be sure to catch me on Thursday and Friday for the Digital Forensics talk and singleer sessions. I will be talking about event reconstruction with no-prior information. Just a sort piece of work I touched on in my dissertation.

We also have an open house in SoonChunHyang University tomorrow to introduce potential students
to the Master's in Digital Forensic Investigation. It is a combination degree with the SCH Graduate
School of Forensic Science. The session on digital forensics is short, but should be interesting. If you are in Asan tomorrow after, please let me know.

Finally, we are also getting ready for the Korea Linux Forum where we will talk about Linux in crime and criminal investigation. I've never been to the event before, but it should be interesting to meet developers and users. Hopefully I can give them some insight into how the Law Enforcement community (and criminals) is using their work. There are some interesting parallels between the idea of open source, and requirements by courts. Much of which was talked about by Brian Carrier a while ago in "Open Source Digital Forensic Tools - The Legal Argument".

All together, a pretty interesting few months ahead.