1 minute read

Installation of FIVES Porndetect was relatively painless on Debian Squeeze (Lenny is a bit of a pain).
First get the F_PORNDETECT.doc from the FIVES portal. Their documentation is pretty good. I am just adding extras that I come across while installing.

iulib - Follow gsbabil's single here for all the deps. If you are in Squeeze autoconf is newer that specified, you will have to run aclocal before ./build.
The genAM.py patch was required for both Lenny and Squeeze. Download it into the same dir, and apply it with 'patch -p0 < genAM.py.patch'
After that iulib should build/install - you then just need to copy vidio/vidio.h and imglib/iulib.h to /usr/local/include/

I am building from the FIVES 'everything.tar.gz' - so extract it and go into the porndetect dir
All the packages in the document (.doc) seemed to work for me except 'imagemagick++9-dev' which was 'libmagick++-dev' in INSTALL.txt.

After that you should just be able to 'make' in porndetect, and it works - you will have three executables in the 'build' directory. The command line --help for them is lacking, but the documentation on the FIVES portal makes up for it (and no manual).

I will talk about usage in another single, but now on to building video:

For video, it has a lot of the same deps. We just need some video processing libs - see the README in the porndetect-video - it lists all the packages needed. All packages were available from the squeeze repository with no issues (not so with lenny).
I was able to build with no issues, and after had to executables in build: porndetect-video and vis-scores.

Both of the following require a global.makeinfo file that does not come in the everything package. I am waiting to hear from the group about compiling the modules standalone. Check back later.

F_SSEMATCH requires:
afflib and libewf2
Both installed from source with no problems based on the packages previously installed.

F_FDAE module, standalone. This module is for face and age detection.
First we need OpenCV which is available on Squeeze as libcv-dev, and also libsvm-dev which is for machine learning.