Cybercrime Technologies Philosophy
Cybercrime Technologies was founded on the principal that the level of competent, quality digital investigations should not be based on the budget of the practitioner. Because of this Cybercrime Technologies strives to produce solutions for digital forensic investigators that are:
* Low cost
* Easy to use
* Standards based
* Verifiable
Our initial focus is on digital forensic investigations conducted by Law Enforcement.
All software developed by Cybercrime Technologies will conform to the following standards:
* Low cost – In an effort to give investigators state-of-the-art tools without prohibitive cost, solutions developed by Cybercrime Technologies will conform to Open Source standards as far as applicable. Check the licensing details of each project for more information. Any solutions that require hardware will be thoroughly researched in an attempt to find the lowest cost while still maintaining the quality and standards necessary for law enforcement (in accordance with US and European standards).
* Easy to use – In an effort to minimize complicated, time-consuming tasks that may be prone to human error, the solutions provided by Cybercrime Technologies will be as automatic as possible. A focus will be in developing systems that require little-to-no interaction, or in other cases will help guide the investigator to relevant data, minimizing the time required for investigations.
* Standards based – Tools developed for investigations will attempt to adhere to internationally recognized standards of investigation, with a bias towards US and European requirements for digital evidence. An attempt will be made to strictly adhere to standards that are accepted worldwide.
* Verifiable – Software produced by Cybercrime Technologies will also be verified. Results of the verification process will be singleed along with the source code.